He had been ordained as a deacon in the Roman Catholic Church. 他被任命为天主教的助祭。
The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings. 天主教会已经颁布了其教义纲要。
There his weekly broadcasts were aired from the1920s until he was silenced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church. 自二十世纪二十年代起他每周广播,直到被罗马教廷的等级制度禁止。
He hated the Roman Catholic church. 他憎恨罗马天主教。
The largest group of religious," parochial", schools in America is run by the Roman Catholic Church. 美国最大的教会学校集团,也就是所谓“教区附属学校”,是由罗马天主教会兴办的。
It comes from earlier days when the Roman Catholic Church ruled that Catholics must not eat meat on Fridays. 它来自早期罗马天主教会规定天主教徒周五不能吃肉的规定。
Of or relating to Pope Gregory I or to the plainsong chants of the Roman Catholic Church. 属于或关于罗马教皇一世或罗马天主教单声圣歌的。
A person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. 持有和罗马天主教会的教条相冲突的宗教信仰的人。
The Roman church, at the time Paul is writing this letter, is by this time no longer a purely Jewish group. 保罗写罗马书时的罗马教会,已经不是单纯的犹太群体。
King Henry the Eighth of England had separated from the Roman Catholic Church. 亨利八世为甚麽多次娶妻,又与罗马教廷决裂?英国国王亨利八世从天主教会中分离出来。
In the Roman Catholic Church women cannot become priests. 罗马天主教中妇女不能当神父。
He has been working for the Holy Roman Church for five years now. 他已经为神圣罗马教会工作了五年了。
The Roman Church teaches that it was instituted by Christ, through his disciples, for the church. 罗马教会的教导,这是由基督建立,通过他的弟子,在教堂。
The Anglican Church, however, was similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church. 不过英国圣公会类似于天主教会。
In these societies the Roman Church was more able to continue the practice of price discrimination. 在这些社会中,罗马教会更有可能延续其价格歧视的做法。
Many in Argentina and throughout Latin America remain opposed to gay marriage, particularly the Roman Catholic Church. 在阿根廷和蒸个拉丁美洲许多人任然反对同性恋结婚,尤其是罗马的天主教。
The Roman Church was developed at an unprecedented rate. 罗马教廷以前所未有的速度获得了发展。
A liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church. 罗马天主教教堂里的一种礼拜式的圣歌。
This pre-Easter period was also a time of fasting for all Christians in the Roman church. 这复活节前的期间也是所有罗马教会的基督徒禁食的时间。
The community has as its centre the Roman Church of Sant egidio, from which the community takes its name. 教堂,故团体也以此命名。团体一开始即在罗马与其中的。
For a-thousand years the Roman Catholic Church was the principal Church of christendom. 在近千年里天主教会成了基督教界的首要的教派。
As the Puritans condemned the images and incense of the Roman Church, so in literature they distrusted the highly coloured. 由于清教徒遣责罗马教会顶礼膜拜,歌功颂德的做法,所以他们在文学上反对粉饰。
I should like to add an eighth sacrament to those of the Roman Church? the sacrament of Divorce. 我想为罗马天主教堂己有的圣礼加上一条第八条圣礼?离婚圣礼。
( Roman Catholic Church) one of seven specified times for prayer. (罗马天主教会)七个指定祷告时间中之一。
Persecuted by governments and the Roman church, denied equal rights, frequently expelled from the new nations in which they had settled, the Jewish people's suffering continued down through the centuries. 但是由于遭到各国政府和罗马教会的迫害,否认犹太人可享有平等的权利,且频繁地遭到他们选择定居的国家的驱逐,几百年来犹太人饱经苦难。
The long controversy over iconoclasm within the eastern church prepared it for the Break with the Roman church. 长时期因破坏圣像主张的争论,使得东方教会和罗马教会决裂。
For Protestants the printing press was the answer to the imagery of the Roman church by which, as they saw it, heretics and sceptics were brought to book. 对新教徒来说,印刷机是对他们眼中罗马教会利用绘画来迫害异教徒和怀疑者的回答。
And implementation of the Law paved the way for the breakup between England and the Roman Church and establishment of the national Church. 法令的颁布与实施,为英国宗教改革扫除障碍,使得英国与罗马教会的决裂及英国民族教会的建立水道渠成。
Paul Church in the East as the center of Constantine, the Roman Church of the West as the center. 东派教会以君士坦丁保为中心,西派教会以罗马为中心。